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World Changers



Dr. Joaquin & Yvette Molina founded Save Your Marriage with a vision to reach out to people everywhere who are suffering the painful reality of separation, divorce and broken marriage.


Through powerful insights of wisdom and the practical application of day to day relational truths, they have ecouraged hundreds and thousand of couples to embark in the  restoration of their marriage and begin  afresh a new journey in life's greatest adventure 


Joaquin & Yvette Molina have a true passion for their life mission to change the world by  saving marriages and family. The heartfelt desire is evident in the manner in which they tirelessly work to restore the family unit.

The present state of marriage has been totally devastated by separation and divorce.



Heroes are those who move toward unselfish causes to rescue and save those in dire straits. Our entire staff is passionately sold out to the idea that no one should suffer the loss of marriage, nor as a result, a broken family.  Having decided to move in the direction of saving marriages, these world-changing heroes have decided to help men, women, boys and girls everywhere who are suffering the terrors and calamity of broken marriages. 

The Save Your Marriage staff is comprised of a dynamic force of men and women with amazing insight and applicable wisdom based on experience and knowledge to help preserve, restore, and save marriage--the greatest institution known to man. The giftings and talents held by the Save Your Marriage staff allows them to cover deep ground that is able to transform husbands, wives, and children to the saving of the greatest treasure man could enjoy--the family. 


There is no doubt that the Save Your Marriage staff lives, eats, and breathes the joys of restoring marriages and families and thus help recover man's greatest asset. For every marriage saved and family restored, the earth is replenished and once again promised to become a fruitful joy-filled experience.

As we journey into this world-changing cause, we hope that your marriage, family and nation becomes a true expression of prosperity, peace and real love. We know that unless marriages are saved, the ancient proverb becomes an everlasting reality; "A house divided shall not prosper." Statistics show that a broken home is the number one cause of poverty in the world.

Partners and Affiliates

All over the world there are special organizations comprised of great men & women who truly understand the important issues that face every husband and wife in a marriage.

The statistics show the devastating effects of a broken marriage and how it directly leads to the greatest of social ills. The gathering of extensive social research has clearly determined broken families as the greatest contributor to great loss and poverty in the social fabric of society. ​This is not just a modern phenomena but the everlasting reality and consistent history during many previous generations.- "A house divided shall not prosper." 

Contact Us


Tel: 305-552-0049
​​​​​​: P.O. BOX 654338

Miami, Florida 33265


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© 2013 World-Changing Mission

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